Silica vs Collagen - What’s the difference and what you should be taking

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You've probably heard of collagen and silica supplements, but aren't entirely sure what they're for or which one you should be taking. They both sound incredibly appealing, but not many people can tell you exactly how they work in the body. To get some answers on these very important question (namely, why we should be taking either one in the first place), let's dive into what they are, their main differences and how they can benefit you! Let’s start with the basics:

What is collagen?

Collagen is one of the most abundant proteins in our bodies and its main role is to provide strength and structure to connective tissues. Put it this way: it's like the glue that binds everything together. The stronger the glue, the more it will adhere to surfaces and create a secure bond - providing more stability and less wear and tear. This chain of strong, stable cells translates to healthy and youthful hair, skin and nails.

However, as we age, our bodies become less efficient in producing collagen. Additionally, environmental factors such as sun exposure, unhealthy diets and smoking speed up collagen loss as well. This can lead to wrinkles, sagging and dull skin as well as thinning hair and brittle nails, even as early as your mid-twenties!

What is silica?

Silica on the other hand, although lesser known and more underrated than collagen, is a trace mineral that can also be naturally found in the body and is actually an essential building block to help produce and maintain collagen. Remember, our cells can make collagen, they just slow down with age and other factors. What’s more, it prevents collagen breakdown, works as an anti-inflammatory and contributes to creating new cells so they can replace the old ones more quickly. Think of silica as collagen’s ultimate hype girl. Apart from collagen, silica additionally helps the body produce elastin, which is what contributes to skin firmness.

So what’s the big difference and what do I take?

The answer depends on your individual needs, but in short - the big difference is collagen provides the readily available base for an instant 'top up'. This produces immediate, but short-lived results, requiring more collagen intake. Silica on other hand, is the the only known mineral that can be absorbed directly into the bloodstream without having to be digested first (meaning it’s not broken down as easily as collagen). As a result, although it does take longer before a noticeable effect occurs (usually from 4-12 weeks), it's more sustainable. Additionally, most collagen supplements on the market come from the bones, skin and connective tissues of animals such as cattle, fish, horses, pigs and rabbits. Since plants don’t produce collagen, there is no such thing as a vegan collagen supplement.


Our recommendation? Take your preferred collagen supplement with silica. PURE Natural Collagen Booster is 100% tasteless and hot/cold resistant, so it will go well with any collagen you take. The combined approach provides a comprehensive support system for collagen production. Resulting in supercharged skin elasticity, hydration, reduced wrinkles, stronger nails and healthier hair.

silica supplement powder with a bowl of almonds, bananas and blueberries

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