Creamy Blue Quinoa Porridge

Creamy Blue Quinoa Porridge

I have been adding this vegan friendly natural silica, PURE to my daily porridge and it’s a game-changer!

Not only they make the porridge super creamy & delish, the healthy fats, but protein, and collagen binder (natural silica) also ensure your skin is glowing!

✖️Bring 1/2 cup dried quinoa with 1 cup coconut water (highly recommend this for more flavourful porridge) to boil and then simmer on low heat until liquid is absorbed.

Meanwhile blend together 1 cup soy milk + 1/2 banana + 2 scoops salted caramel protein + 1 scoop PURE + 1 tbsp Blue Dream Latte (for the pretty blue colour).

Add this mixture to the cooked quinoa and cook for another 1-2 minutes then serve hot.

I topped it with wild blueberries, dipped & dusted almonds, goji, kiwi, and peanut butter granola.

Recipe, images and words by Nourish and Flourish Sydney
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